Thursday, October 8, 2009

My 200th post, blog-iversary and an award!!

Wowsers!!! All of that into one post? That's gonna be hard. Well let me first start off with my 200th post! I can't believe I've made 200 posts already....mostly about utter nonsense and just venting about being a mom/wife. So I can't believe I've been posting so much.

Second, my blog-iversary (blog anniversary) was yesterday. And boy, look how far I've come!! It's been 366 days. And back then, Rosslyn was just a few months old and I only had a few weeks until my husband returned from his final trip to the sandbox.

Third, my friend Chantel gave me the One Cute Blog Award!! I have to give it to 15 people but I'm not sure who I'll give it to yet so I'll have to think on that and come back and post.

Also, tonight, well eeeeaaaarrrlllllyyyy friday morning, we'll be heading up to Ohio for my cousin's wedding. And I'm so excited! Here's a peek at where we'll be staying whilst there.

Jordan's already got his blues and everything. He's going all out for this! He even got gloves and is wearing his cover! I think he's going all out because it will be the last time he'll be able to wear it and he wants to make it memorable.

That's about it for right now, I have so much to do before we leave. And, Jordan and I are going on a date night tonight to see Zombieland and I'm pumped! It looks so awesome.

6 love notes:

Chantel said...

Zombieland! I'm jealous. Everyone keeps talking about how awesome this movie is. David and I need a date night before baby gets here. Maybe when my MIL gets to town she can help us out with that!

Unknown said...

Congrats on 200!!!! Your blog is awesome girl!! Date night? What is this you speak of??!! Haha. Have fun and enjoy Zombieland!!

Geez Louise

Lycia Boucher said...

That hotel room looks amazing! Make sure to take lots of pictures. Have a safe trip!

Tracie Nall said...

Congrats on your blogoversary and your award. I want to see Zombieland, I have heard that it is so funny!! I don't know what this date night thing is where you see movies in those fabled theaters.

Have a great night!!

Yanick said...

The hotel looks so nice! Enjoy yourself. Safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Great Blog girl!!! Hope you are having fun at the wedding :)