Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12- A Picture of Something You Love

Of course, I love my family and friends and although I'd post a picture of them, I think the point of this challenge is to get to know me a little better. Scratch below the surface and find out more about me. So in lieu of the sort of generic "family" post, I love sleep and covering up and staying in bed or on the couch all day watching tv. I know it's super lazy but I just love to cuddle up with my girls and have a do nothing day. Which always inevitably catches up with me.

1 love notes:

It's not unusual to be loved by anyone said...

Oh we have a lot in common...i did that today...woke up at 10am, opened the window and took my wellness book to read a few pages..Sylvio made breakfast and from then on we sat on the couch watching TV and buying useless stuff on ebay . I LOVE IT!!