Well, this is a hard one. I guess I'd have to go with my wedding ring set and tell you all the story behind how I got them.
After Jordan and I were married, it was sort of on a whim yet planned. I guess you could say we eloped. After that, th following weekend, which I believe was the 4th of July weekend. We were over at his friend Kenny's house and his sister Amanda asked if we had rings yet. And we didn't. She was briefly engaged to someone but broke off the engagement but was still with him. She got to keep the rings. She wasn't doing anything with them so she called her boyfriend and asked if he wouldn't mind giving them to us. And so he came over and talked with Jordan and Jordan said he didn't feel comfortable just taking them, that he had to pay for them somehow. So Amanda's boyfriend took him out and Jordan bought him 2 cans of dip (like Skoal) and he said they were square. Kind of strange how we got them but I love them so much.
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