Being lazy. I am super lazy. You can see by how long it's taken me to get around to doing day 4. I'd rather lay on the couch and watch tv than do just about anything else. I hate cleaning. But every now and then I get a wild hair and go on a cleaning spree. I love sleep. I wish I wasn't so lazy because it causes me to put things off until the last minute and then I rush to do them. Like now, I have a paper due tomorrow and I haven't even started on it. Or even started to read the chapter about it. Ugh, I'm so lazy lol. I really do wish I could break this habit because if I wasn't lazy, I'm sure my house would be immaculate, my girls would be taken care of, and all my school work would be done. Not only that but since I'm lazy, I don't like to work out and that's why my body is the way it is. Hopefully with that, once the weather changes I'll be able to go outside and start the couch to 5K or something.
3 love notes:
You know what there is nothing wrong with being lazy! But you know i was the same way until I got involved in crafts, seriously! i started doing something that made me happy and bam now i can't sit still haha Also if you want to get in a cleaning mood, watch horders lol That always makes me clean the house top to bottom!
i'm the same way!
I'm still in my jammies too! I'm enjoying my last few moments in NYC!
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