Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I think God answered my wish....

So yesterday, I was all upset that it was snowing everywhere else except her in Jacksonville. And I woke up this morning to find flurries falling from the sky!! It was definitely a surprise because it wasn't even that cold yesterday. So with a full day of watching the inauguration, I looked outside to see lots of accumulation!! I was surprised! Jordan had to go to see if he had to work today (I said he probably didn't) and he was sitting in front of the ID card center for like 30 minutes and then decided to call his supervisor and sure enough, he didn't have to work!! I knew he should have just listened to me to begin with. Also today, I made bacon and didn't burn it! Except for the first couple pieces but other than that, it was delicious maple bacon. The candied meat. Yummm. I could go on and on about bacon all day. Jordan even bought spam that had bacon in it at the store for me!!! Enough bacon banter...here are some pictures of Rosslyn's first foray in the snow.

2 love notes:

Faith W. said...

Aww, Rosslyn looks soooo precious in her pink jacket! I bet she had fun in the snow! :)

AlanaMarie said...

she has got the cutest face ever!! i love the little stickie outie tongue! you totally need to frame those pictures to and show them to boyfriends in 17 years