Thursday, August 13, 2009

Writer's Workshop Wednesday (only a day late)

I got this from Mama's Losin' it

I decided to blog about one (well my only one that I remember) of my ER trips. It's kind of uneventful but pretty funny.

Last summer, when Jordan was deployed and I was hugely pregnant, I was living with his mom and step-dad up in Horse Cave. I had my own room, didn't have to pay rent, just our cell phone and loan payment. So it was pretty good digs.

It was one May night and I was laying in my bed watching tv as I usually do because I was so freaking huge and had no life lol. We had just got a new black lab puppy a couple weeks before from my little sister, his name was in Johnny Cash. Anyways, I was laying in my bed and I got up from it and I dragged my leg across the mattress when a spring popped up and sliced open my knee. I panicked. There was blood pouring out and I walked, bent over holding my hand underneath the cut to keep the blood from dripping down my leg. I was walking into the living room and Billy (Jordan's step-dad) was sitting in the living room. I said "I think I might need to go to the ER, I cut my leg pretty bad" he jumped up and was like "oh yeah you did." He ran in the kitchen and got me a wet paper towel to hold over the wound. I took it off to look at looked so cool. I could see the fat in my knee. I wanted to take a picture of it but I don't know why I didn't. Jordan's mom was working 3rd shift at the convenience store down the road so she wasn't able to take me, so Billy did.

I hobbled my way into the car and I could feel the rain starting to pour on my back. It was going to storm really bad. All I kept thinking was I didn't want to get a shot. Stitches, I was ok with but a shot, no way. And this is coming from someone who has three tattoos and her lip pierced. I'm a little backwards, I know.

I called my mom and said, "mom, everything's ok...but I'm going to the ER because I cut my knee." She was relieved. So we got to the ER. It was a tiny hospital, only one floor. Billy helped me in and then he gave them all my information so I could be admitted. It didn't take long and once we were finally back there, the doctor came in and was really calm with me and made jokes and made it a little bit easier. I told him I was afraid and didn't want to get a tetanus shot, but I knew I had to. That hurt so bad. They give it to you in your arm and you have a bruise for the next few days. Then came the stitches...

The doctor gave me a shot of lidocaine into the wound and started to stitch me up. I don't know if it was the masochist in me but I wanted to see it. Hahaha. What was weird was I could see it being done, but I couldn't feel it really. Just a little bit of tugging. I had about five stitches and then the doctor put neosporin over it, gave me a huge band-aid and sent me home. But first we made a pit stop at Love's (where Jordan's mom worked) to show off my new battle wound. She asked if I was ok and then we went home. It was hard to get comfortable that night but I finally went to sleep. I had the stitches for about a week or so, I can't remember. But I had my OB doctor take them off at my appointment. Then when I went home, the dog opened the cut again. But that's done and over.

I can't believe I had a baby at home but a mattress kicked my ass....

4 love notes:

Kim Lehnhoff said...

I can totally relate to wanting to look at it. I wanted to see what the doc was doing when I had my c-section - until I actually saw it on TV...harsh stuff, that.

Unknown said...

I love the last sentence! lol

April said...

LOL at the last line.

KatBouska said...

Ewwww! I don't think I would have been able to hold it together as well as you! Sounds PAINFUL!