Sunday, September 26, 2010

Simply Sunday: Finally Fall!

This has been the greatest day of official fall-ness! I seriously don't think the temperature has broken over 70 degrees. I love it. So I got Rosslyn dressed and we went outside to play in the lovely fall weather. It was a little overcast today but it was alright, I loved it all the same. Here are some pictures from our backyard adventure.

3 love notes:

Ashleigh said...

I love the 3rd picture! And I can't believe that the leaves are already falling. Yay!

Chantel said...

You took those with your Nikon didn't you? SO JEALOUS!!

I really love that third picture. I should get out and take a picture of our changing leaves.

Brie said...

God your pictures are so amazing. I really can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually miss fall!