Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My big fat update!

Hello blogland! I apologize for my absence lately. It's been a crazy week since Aurelia's been born what with the Thanksgiving Holiday and having Jordan's sister and her boyfriend staying with us while they were here. But Jordan's had yesterday and today off and doesn't go to work until 4pm tomorrow. It's been a pretty good few days with just us and the girls but Rosslyn has been testing us. I think it's because she's been confined to the house because of the weather and the fact that her cousins both have pink eye.

Things are good with Aurelia, she's nursing really well. The first couple days after my milk came in were a little rough because where I nursed with Rosslyn, milk only came on one side and I'm using both sides now so one side is a little slower but they're starting to equal out.

Jordan is an extremely proud new papa. He never got to experience this stage with Rosslyn so he's soaking it in as much as he can. He's all the time wanting to hold her and play with her and find her tickle spots, it's so cute. But I don't think he realizes that she's still fairly new to this world and for the first few weeks, babies don't do much. But I love seeing him fiddle with her. It's too cute.

Rosslyn is doing an amazing job as a big sister. She tries to give her her pacifier all the time and is giving her kisses and puts her hands on her face. It's just too cute.

Annnddd.... onto myself. I'm doing really well. Slightly overwhelmed at how tired I get at the end of the day. Last night I think I even fell asleep before Rosslyn. But she was cuddled up to me and it didn't take long. I also noticed I nodded off today while Rosslyn had my hair and we were watching a movie. I feel awful for it but I'm sure I'll get myself on a good schedule pretty soon. I haven't kept up with the housework as well as I should have but I think it'll be easier when Jordan goes to work and I'm able to clean without distraction. Because he always encourages me to come sit down and relax and watch tv.....and I can't pass that up!! Also, I bought my first post-pregnancy clothing item! It's my Christmas present and I went ahead and ordered it yesterday on Cyber Monday. It's a really cute sweater from American Eagle. Check it out:

I can't wait to wear it on Christmas! Hopefully I'll have slimmed down a little more by then and don't look all lumpy. I want to wear it with leggings and find some cute boots to go with it too.

We've bought a couple things for Rosslyn for Christmas. Jordan pleaded with me to get her some Paper Jamz drums so I gave in and said ok. And she picked out this really cute little leap frog magnetic alphabet thing and I think she'll really like that. As for Aurelia, I really wanted to get her Sophie the giraffe but Jordan doesn't want to because she's "foreign" lol. Maybe I can coax him into it after all. We still have family to shop for so we're going to Knoxville next week to shop. And Jordan's dad is keeping both kids. I'm really nervous. I'd love to take the baby just so I'd be able to nurse her so maybe he'll work with me on that. I could keep her in the sling and not have to worry about anything. I understand he wants time with just us but that may be hard with a newborn. We'll see what happens.

I hope I didn't bore anyone to death. This has been my life since I became a mother of two. Have a great week everyone!

2 love notes:

Unknown said...

Glad you are doing well! And Rosslyn is taking the new sister shock well :) hehe
Having two kids isn't as bad as people make it seem is it! People always told me how hard it would be, I don't think it is at all, do you?

Renee said...

Shea words cannot express how very proud I am of you, you are such a wonderful mother, and being your mom, I'd like to think that some of the wonderful traits you have came from the way I raised you. I love you so much and I often remember the times that you were always there for me when I needed you, and I really miss you making my morning coffee lol. You have sure given me some beautiful granddaughters. I love you so much.
