Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Reflections and resolutions...

Tomorrow is the last day of 2008. And what a year it has been. Probably the best year I can remember. It's had its ups and downs but overall, it has been a pretty good year. I can say that in 2008 I:

Survived yet another (and final deployment).
Moved all of my stuff back to Kentucky.
Had a home birth.
Welcomed my husband home from Iraq for the last time ever.
Moved all of our stuff from Kentucky to North Carolina with a 3 month old (with almost no problems, other than that ticket lol)
Successfully began and am continuing breastfeeding.
Became closer with God.
Got my third tattoo.

And as we ring in 2009, it's customary to make resolutions. I want to make some resolutions too. For 2009 I want to:

Be a greener mom.
I tried half-heartedly to cloth diaper. But this time, I want to come at it with full-force. I already am a baby-wearing, home birthing, breastfeeding mama. I just need to add cloth-diapering.

Get out of debt.
I think that pretty much sums it up. We are in way over our heads with certain things and with Jordan only having 9 months left in the Marine Corps, we need to come out with a leg up so we can sit back and collect his unemployment and have no need to worry.

Become closer to God.
I feel I already have an outstanding relationship with God, I just want it to be better. I got my first Bible for Christmas and I cannot wait to read it and to study up on it.

Be a better wife.
I need to start noticing the little things in my relationship with Jordan and act on the little things. Like not forgetting this or that for him. Because I know he tried his hardest for me. And the least I could do was return the favor.

Learn how to cook!!
I got a crock pot for Christmas and I cannot wait to start using it. I am tired of eating out almost every night. It's draining our bank account and is certainly not good for our health. And I already know how to bake. It's cooking I have trouble with. I want to make soups, beans, fry chicken, casseroles, make mashed potatoes from scratch and a lot more!

So, as we say goodbye to 2008, I hope everyone else can say it has been a good year for them like it has for me.

1 love notes:

Unknown said...

You still don't know how to cook? That's ok it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it!! I can give you some simple things you can make if you want.
Also there are throw in the crockpot stuff you can buy at the store that are really good. Plus simple which is a 100% plus with a baby! :)
Happy new year!