Friday, September 4, 2009

GMYBS- 9/4

Happy Friday everyone!!!! Can you believe it's already September?? In just two short days, I will be leaving the age of 22 and entering 23. Scary? Yes. I know that most people are like "23? psh... see me when you're 28" but I can't believe I'm growing up lol. I ate lunch yesterday with a bunch of my FOTF friends yesterday and I'll post a separate blog with all those pictures and stories. Anyways, down to business. Every Friday, Lolli at Better in Bulk has Give me your best shot. A chance to share some of the amazing pictures you've taken throughout the week. And here is mine:

This, of course, is my little monster in all her glory. I can't remember what she was doing, but I do remember she wasn't throwing a fit, which was a first. She's already in her Halloween PJ's. because I love Halloween so much!!

Also on her post, Lolli talked about this new editing software called Aurora. I've given it a shot and I like how it has the previews of what your photo looks when you're editing it up top. Like if you want it to be darker or lighter.
Here's an example of what it did:

And After

That's about all I have to blog about now. I'll be back later with pictures from the get together.
And here's the icon to check out more GMYBS photos.
Better in Bulk

3 love notes:

Unknown said...

I look forward to pulling out the Halloween jammies and shirts, too! What a cute picture of your cutie! Thanks for playing along with the before and after shots, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so sweet!..Ya thats' funny..23...I just celebrated my 29th..Wedding Anniversary :)! So I am only wishing I was 23...hahah Hope it was / is a wonderful day for you!

Martha said...

LOL! 23, I wish I had 23 to do over! I worked at one company longer than you've been around!

Your daughter is too cute. I love fall and halloween too. Trying to hold off on pulling all the stuff out so we don't get tired of it too soon!

Good job on the editing. I have been playing with Aurora today.